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Give Your People C.R.A.P to Get Great Employee Retention

Early in my career as an HR Leader, I worked for an incredible general manager that taught me a lot of C.R.A.P…Caring, Respect, Appreciation and Praise.  He also taught me that giving people C.R.A.P. was at the heart of driving employee loyalty and retention.  He never told me it was about caring, respect, appreciation and praise.  He just showed me and, as my mentor, I listened and applied the philosophy. As time went on, I added some other key elements to truly be able to solve employee retention problems in organizations that I worked in.  The four elements of C.R.A.P. are simple.  I said simple…not easy.  Here they are.

This is simple stuff, but it is not easy to do for some reason.  It takes time and hard work on the part of a leader to give people C.R.A.P.   But, if you do it, your people will be loyal, follow you anywhere and want to stay working for you.  Giving your people C.R.A.P. will also give you a feeling of accomplishment and the impact on the organization will be something that goes beyond the bottom line.  Remember…C.R.A.P. Works!

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